Sunday, 4 July 2010

Home and dry...

We're there - and beyond. The yearned-for threshold of £6000 has been crossed. Wow

It has been a good week. Strange not be in the saddle each day. And there have been issues come mid-morning when I have looked in vain for a cafe, a coffee and a wee scone...

And if there is anyone left who hasn't asked me 'the question' - rest assured, my bottom is fine. Thanks for your concern.

And more people have given.

I'm running out of ways of expressing my gratitude.

All I can say is 'thank you'.

This has been the most extraordinary few months. I had no idea how this project would go - and in the event its success has surpassed my wildest imaginings.

Thank you all so much.

Falcon Camps make a difference to the lives of children and young people from tough, difficult and discouraging backgrounds.

Thank you for responding so generously.

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